Saturday, December 14, 2024



I break down the word

like it shatters my life

as persistent as

a prisoner’s strife

A hidden affliction

in the dead of the night

leads to a feeling

that something’s not right

Will it shorten my life?

Some people think so

Engulfed in this nuisance

I try to let go

A release of ambition

annealed by fire

this things got me beat

no point in desire

like a marionette

I’m jerked on a string

I cannot fight back

it just increases the sting

a breeze passes by

I look up in hope

has the man and his hand

let go of the rope...

will I be free

to enjoy natural slumber

or does this clown

really have my number?

I get extra time

to read and compose

and look on the bright side

of no nightly repose...

Where is that Sandman?

I beg and implore

to show that controller

the ultimate door...

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