Saturday, June 1, 2024
Friday, May 10, 2024
A day at the Zoo
The bonobo scowled at me
he did not like me looking...
Who was zooming who?
I saw a wild animal
a 10 year old girl
throwing a tantrum on the ground
Poor polar bear
paced around and around
in the hot New Zealand sun
ice creams melted
‘Do not feed the animals’
but it’s OK to stuff yourself
The hippopotamus was the worst
annoyed by laughing watchers
he fanned his little tail
and sprayed shit everywhere
Lou Reed said it was a ‘Perfect Day’
But I saw something else
teasing, taunting
an expensive tour
for little children
and parents
who must endure.
You overestimate me too much
I have a yen for yen...
a trip to Japan
would fill my soul
with money with a little hole...
A hundred for a dollar
how would I keep count?
Looking for nirvana
While my expenses mount.
I shell out the folding paper
guessing at its worth
round the temple I go
kicking up the earth
A hundred Buddhas stare at me
with a golden smile
perhaps I’ll stay in Nippon-land
and chill out here in style
estimations an easy game
when none of it matters
I’ll go home to Aotearoa
and leave my dream in tatters.